Last straight before Christmas. The 7th edition of the Christmas trail was held this Saturday, December 18 in Châteauroux. The starting signal was given at 7:30 p.m. at the Couvent des Cordeliers. The runners had to run a little over 7 kilometers in the cold. The event, organized by La Berrichonne Athlétic Club, has become a tradition in Châteauroux. Every year, the sportsmen come to disguise to this race which is meant to be festive.
Runners in swimsuits, others disguised as Batman
3, 2, 1, starting signal. A little less than a thousand runners set off in the streets of Châteauroux.
– Justine Claux
Among them, a few reckless, like Raphael. The young man is almost naked by two degrees. “I am in a life jacket with a swimsuit, I represent the rescuers at sea. I am a little cold but I hold on”, he says.
But not all runners are close to hypothermia. Others are dressed, or rather disguised, a little warmer. Santas, elves and even a Batman. But beware, not just any. “I am dressed as a 1960 Batman to be precise, you often see Batman in black and yellow, mine is gray and blue “, specifies the batman fan.
The race has become synonymous with disguises. “It’s a festive Christmas race, you have to be in disguise. It’s more fun for the participants and for the spectators”, explains a participant. Runners come more to have fun than to run. “The idea is really not to take yourself seriously, to have fun, confirms Benoît Richard, the organizer of the Christmas trail. There are people who do only one race in the year, it’s the little Christmas trail, that’s the spirit, there is no competition “.
– Justine Claux
the sports director of the city of Châteauroux was even present. But he didn’t play along, he came without disguise.
The elves trail canceled
The Châteauroux Christmas trail is one of the rare races maintained this year, despite the health situation. Organizing it was a real headache. “We had to meet current health requirements, namely control of the health pass for all runners”, explains Benoît Richard
the number of volunteers had to be increased to deal with the flow of runners. “It’s a special race with a festive side. At the end of the day, people like to dance and have a little glass of mulled wine together. But that was not possible this year”, regrets the organizer of the trail.
After the race and the endowment, everyone had to go home. “We could not afford to party in the current context”, he adds. Unfortunately, the version of the trail for children, le trail des lutins, has been canceled for health reasons. Children under 12 not being vaccinated, the organizers did not want to take any risks.