the macronists in search of their president in the midst of a debate on pension reform

Emmanuel Macron is very discreet on the subject of pensions and inflation, leaving his Prime Minister to take the hits on these subjects. But his discretion is starting to annoy in the ranks of macronie.

“There is no longer a pilot on board”, laments a macronist. Not a word about pensions, not a word about inflation, “and we are tripping over the carpet”, engages the same, SOS way of a macronist in distress. The President of the Republic must be more than discreet on the burning subject of pensions, and not very proactive on the subject of inflation.

“Emmanuel Macron must descend into the arena, otherwise it will be a five-year term for nothing, worse than Holland.”

a macronist

at franceinfo

Rather than the pension reform, it is on the societal that the President of the Republic spoke, by proposing the constitutionalization of abortion, and by getting actively involved in the debate on the end of life.

>> Registration of the “freedom” to resort to abortion in the Constitution: three questions that arise after the announcement of Emmanuel Macron

In politics, this is a well-known strategy: to open fires. But some in the Macronist ranks are beginning to openly criticize Emmanuel Macron for being obsessed only with his quest for a trace to leave in history. An obsession until the disconnection, sting some. At the end of life, his changes in position are irritating. In September, he promises Line Renaud a change in the law, but in the fall, during a trip to Rome, he changes course and assures the Pope that he will not do so. A macronist is in despair: “on this subject, like others at the moment, the president has no conviction”.

The Élysée, for its part, has been repeating the same thing for weeks: pensions cannot be “the alpha and omega of the future of France”.

International “overinvestment” annoys in its ranks

Behind the scenes, several advisers were therefore asked to look into a post-pension reform roadmap, with in particular the idea of ​​a new Labor law, “but everything sucks, nobody plays politics around him”, laments an elected official. If a trip to Marseille is in the cards, no official date has been set.

Even the “overinvestment” internationally, the Head of State annoys in his own ranks, whereas it was hitherto seen as an asset. Last weekend, just before the record mobilization of March 7, a video shows Emmanuel Macron, beer in hand, in a festive district of Kinshasa at the end of his African tour. Scathing conclusion from one of his old supporters: “Every minute he loses influence”.

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