The Macron remote duel

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Thursday, April 14, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of the Thursday April 14, 2022.

The themes

– Marine Le Pen in Avignon, Emmanuel Macron in Le Havre, on the lands of his former Prime Minister. The remote duel between the two qualified candidates for the second round of the presidential election. The RN candidate calls to block the outgoing president.

– War in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron once again refuses to speak of “genocide” as US President Joe Biden did. The term is controversial.

– Left: what alliances in view of the legislative elections? The Insoumis close the door to the PS.

The guests

Nathalie Mauretpolitical journalist at the Paris office of the Ebra group

Elsa Freyssenetsenior reporter for Les Echos

Jerome Cordeliereditor-in-chief of the France service of Le Point

Stephane Zumsteegdirector of the opinion and policy department of Ipsos

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