The Samu social de Lyon “meets” twice as many people in the street compared to 2022, warns Pascal Isoard-Thomas, general director of Alynea, the association supporting Samu social 69.
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“For the first time, the Samu social de Lyon is calling for donations to deal with the emergency”launches Saturday, November 18 on the airwaves of Radio France, Pascal Isoard-Thomas, general director of Alynea, association supporting Samu social 69. “With ten euros, we will be able to pay for blankets. It is mid-November and we have almost exhausted the annual stocks that we usually distribute”he emphasizes.
Pascal Isoard-Thomas also asks the public authorities for new accommodation places and recalls that the metropolis has 53,000 vacant housing units. Squats, camps and shanty towns are multiplying in the Lyon metropolitan area. “14,000 people are waiting for accommodation in the metropolis of Lyon. This is twice as many as five years ago”alerts the general manager of Alynea.
Social Samu “encounter” twice as many people on the streets compared to 2022, “fathers, mothers, children, elderly people, people with disabilities”, he lists. “When Abbé Pierre launched his very famous appeal in the winter of 1954, he spoke of 2,000 people”would like to remind Pascal Isoard-Thomas.