the LRs did not vote for the motions of censure but “will have to file some during this five-year term”, supports LR Bruno Retailleau



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“Today, the vote of a motion of censure, it would undoubtedly be a dissolution and we will not have advanced one iota”, justifies the president of the group Les Républicains, after the party refused to vote the motions of censure filed by the RN and the Nupes.

“We are resolutely in opposition, therefore, during this five-year term, we will have to table a motion of censure”said Tuesday, October 24 the president of the group Les Républicains (LR) in the Senate, Bruno Retailleau. “We are not ready”he admitted, however.

The day before, the LR deputies did not vote for any of the three motions of censure tabled by the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) and by the National Rally (RN), in response to the 49.3 triggered by the government on the Draft finance law 2023 and the social security financing bill (PLFSS) 2023.

“Today, the vote of a motion of censure, it would undoubtedly be a dissolution, undoubtedly again a majority, even relative to the National Assembly, and we will not have advanced one iota”he explained. “We are in a moment, after the failure of the presidential election, which is a moment of weakness, why would we choose this moment of weakness to do hara-kiri?”, he also justified.

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