the LREM deputy of the Channel Bertrand Sorre “does not share” the disappointment of the fishermen but “understands” it

He nevertheless mentions possible “retaliatory measures in the coming weeks, if necessary”.

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The LREM deputy of the second constituency of the Manche Bertrand Sorre “do not share” the disappointment of fishermen after the evocation of the “fleet exit plan” for boats without a fishing license in British waters by the Minister of the Sea Annick Girardin on Thursday at the Assises de la Mer. Nevertheless, the elected official said “understand” this feeling Friday, November 19 on franceinfo.

“I do not share it, I understand it. Eleven months of waiting, it is enormously long with the fear which is always underlying to have to leave the boats along the quay, he comments. However, what must be said and repeated is that the denunciations continue. We must keep in mind that these negotiations are continuing, that we are making progress every day.

“Last week three more boats were given a definitive license to fish in Jersey waters, so let’s keep our confidence.”

Bertrand Sorre, LREM deputy for the second constituency of La Manche

to franceinfo

“The fight continues, the minister has been very firm on this and France is looking for licenses for all the boats which fished and which fish in English waters”, he recalls, stressing that she spoke of the “fleet exit plan” for when “the situation will have been completed” and that moreover “This possibility was already mentioned even before the signing of the trade and cooperation agreement with the United Kingdom”.

While the president of the Normandy Regional Fisheries Committee Dimitri Rogoff on Friday called on Franceinfo to negotiate on its own, without going through the European Union, Bertrand Sorre thinks on the contrary that the current position is the right one: “We are negotiating within the framework of the EU because this Brexit treaty was signed within the framework of the EU. duration”. It nevertheless evokes possible “retaliatory measures in the coming weeks, if necessary”, like “customs controls, sanitary controls on products arriving from the United Kingdom”.

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