the LR party will take legal action against the newspaper “Liberation”, after its investigation into suspicions of fraud during the primary

The newspaper “Liberation” published an investigation revealing the presence of fictitious or dead members in the ranks of the Republicans, having voted for the primary.

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The Les Républicains party announces Wednesday afternoon February 23 in a press release that it will “seize the public prosecutor of Paris against the newspaper Liberation”after the publication by the daily of an investigation which reports suspicions of fraud during the primary LR.

The Liberation newspaper reported Wednesday, February 23 at noon having conducted an investigation from the file of inserts at Les Républicains, the only ones eligible to vote in the party’s primary on December 4. According to Liberation, among the members who joined LR at the end of 2021, some had died and others were unable to explain how they entered the LR party.

The LR party denounces a “attempt to destabilize”. “The method used by Liberation in this pseudo ‘investigation’, an investigation based on approximations, innuendos and unfounded allegations, clearly aims to delegitimize the Republican presidential candidate”, writes the party in a press release. According to Republicans, “Liberation operates a dubious confusion between a supposed ‘membership file’ and the electoral list of the ballot” of the primary.

Members who did not meet certain criteria, including having provided two means of identification and having paid a maximum of four memberships with the same means of payment, were not able to participate in the primary, specifies the party. .

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