the LPO denounces the relentlessness to “twist the law in order to kill”

The LPO, the League for the protection of birds, confirms that it will seize the Council of State, this Friday, October 15 on franceinfo, after the publication of several decrees re-authorizing a certain number of traditional bird hunts in several departments. “We are bent on twisting the law to kill more”, rebelled its president Allain Bougrain-Dubourg.

“We regret it, it’s distressing”, he continued, denouncing the timetable chosen by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. “He takes this measure on a Friday, which means that our referral will leave today, but that it will not take shape until the beginning of next week, he points out. So even if the Council of State suspends the orders, they will have allowed the hunters to go and mistreat the wildlife for at least a weekend “. The president of the LPO denounced the “total offset” between the words of Emmanuel Macron, when he said at the World Biodiversity Summit in Marseille “that France must be exemplary”, and “this reality” where hunting practices are re-authorized.

“It is not a question of limiting redundant populations like the wild boar or of hunting in order to survive, it is a hobby, a pleasure to kill”, denounced Allain Bougrain-Dubourg. He wished to recall that birds, in the Ardennes in particular, were “to strangle with laces” after being captured by these practices of trapping birds in cages or nets.

“When traditions are bad, murderous, they must be stopped”

Alain Bougrain-Dubourg, President of the LPO

to franceinfo

“In the 21st century, this is not acceptable. Europe does not accept it, we are the last country in Europe to accept it”, he criticized calling “to stop behaving in an unacceptable way towards wildlife”.

According to its figures, the larks, targeted in particular by these reauthorizations, have lost 30% of their population in 15 years. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature also considers that the species is declining. “Should we add more when we already shoot them with a rifle?”, asked Allain Bougrain-Dubourg. “Let us calm down with this violence against nature, a little elementary dignity, it is unacceptable”, he repeated, denouncing the weight of the lobbying of hunters. “It’s pathetic, we are the country of human rights but we are not the country of the rights of nature”, he concluded.

The One Voice association, for its part, also let it be known on its Twitter account this Friday that it was preparing to seize the Council of State. “Our referees are leaving”, she said.

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