The Lost City | Good-natured entertainment ★★★

The author of a popular series of rose water novels is kidnapped by a billionaire so that she deciphers for him a message contained in one of her books, which could lead to a hidden treasure. Taking herself seriously, the model used to personify the main character of the series of novels sets out to save her…

Posted at 9:30 a.m.

Marc-Andre Lussier

Marc-Andre Lussier
The Press

Are contemporary filmmakers nostalgic for the films they saw in their childhood? One might think so much the recovery of popular recipes in the cinema of the 1980s – The Adam Project is the most recent example – seems to be a trend right now.

Directed by brothers Aaron and Adam Nee (band of robbers), The Lost City (The lost city in French version) is a sort of cross between Indiana Jones-style adventure films and wacky romantic comedies like Romancing the Stone (In pursuit of the green diamond). The story we are offered obviously does not hold water for more than three seconds, but it still has enough good gags, murderous lines and unbridled situations to provide good-natured entertainment, in the company of engaging characters.

Even if it is a pity that the five screenwriters did not manage to make The Lost City a real rolling fire (more floating moments dot the story), it remains that the complicity between Sandra Bullock, perfect for this kind of character, and Channing Tatum, who also excels in this register, is beautiful to see. As a bonus, a formidable presence from Brad Pitt, who here interweaves his old look of Legends of the Fall to his composition as an alpha male of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. And we don’t tell you how his story ends…


The Lost City


The Lost City (VF: The lost city)

Aaron Nee and Adam Nee

With Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum, Daniel Radcliffe


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