The Loire private hospital closes its night emergencies

No more night emergencies at the private Loire hospital. The HPL of Saint-Étienne is forced to close this service from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Due to recruitment difficulties. An emergency doctor being on sick leave since last week, the reorganization of the schedule forced the hospital management to take this radical decision. In question, the Covid crisis which has been exhausting the teams for two years and recruitment difficulties.

Exhausted teams and recruitment difficulties

No matter how hard we look for solutions by calling all the temp agencies, we haven’t had a follow-up, there is a shortage of staff“explains the management.
A problem that will last the whole month of March and which could extend to that of April. The HPL specifies that the ARS, the Samu and the firefighters have been notified. In the event of an emergency at night, you must call 15 to be redirected to the other services in the area.

For all the patients followed at the private hospital of the Loire and who would be admitted in the other emergency services, they will be, if necessary, re-hospitalized the next morning at the HPL.

The HPL maternity emergency room remains open.

source site-38