The lockout is over at Rolls-Royce Canada

After a lockout of more than five months, the union members of Rolls-Royce Canada will gradually return to the Lachine plant starting Friday after having ratified, in a proportion of 62%, the recommendation of a conciliator which makes it possible to put an end to this acrimonious labor dispute.

Updated yesterday at 5:42 p.m.

Julien Arsenault

Julien Arsenault
The Press

Most of the 530 members of the CSN-affiliated Rolls-Royce Canada Workers Union (STTRRC) are expected to be back at work next week. The latter are specialized in the maintenance of aircraft engines.

“When Rolls-Royce called the lockout, we all decided together that we would not give in to intimidation and that we alone would decide when and under what conditions we would return to work,” said union president Frédéric Labelle. Thursday. The conflict was long and difficult, but we held on. »

This employment contract, which will run until 2028, is retroactive to 2020. It provides for salary increases of 25%. Employees will also be entitled to $9,500 through two lump sums. The employer decreed a lockout on March 15 because the two parties were unable to reach an agreement. The union members were then called upon to decide on a strike mandate.

Aircraft engines built by the British multinational equip Bombardier Global business jets.

According to the CSN, the conciliator’s recommendation provides for “various improvements, particularly with regard to leave and group insurance”. There would also be progress on flexible working hours and “the introduction of job security clauses”. The defined benefit pension plan, one of the points in dispute during the negotiations, will be in force until the end of 2025. After that, employees will have to edit the parameters of the plan.

Rolls-Royce Canada believes that the employment contract makes it possible to maintain “attractive working conditions” for employees.

“This decision reflects a common desire to return to work and look to the future,” said its president, Denis Giangi, in a press release.

The climate of this labor dispute has worsened in recent months. The employer had admitted to using scabs – an illegal practice – while a union leader was fired by the company, accused of having followed a member of the management of Rolls-Royce Canada.

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  • 36
    This is the sum of the financial support (grants and loan) offered to Rolls-Royce Canada by Quebec since 2008.

    Government of Quebec

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