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In La Flotte-en-Ré (Charente-Maritime), the location of a statue of the Virgin Mary has created controversy. However, it has been part of the island’s landscape since the end of the Second World War and the inhabitants are very attached to it.
Placed on the public domain at the entrance to La Flotte-en-Ré (Charente-Maritime), the statue of the Virgin Mary could well move by court order. In May 2020, a motorist hit the statue, which had to be rebuilt identically by the town hall. But at the time of its restoration, in the same place as before, an association for the defense of secularism seized the administrative court of Poitiers. Contacted, its president invokes the law of 1905 which prohibits the installation of monuments of a religious nature on the public domain.
But for the inhabitants of La Flotte, this Virgin is part of the historical heritage of the town. The conclusions of the public rapporteur are in line with the association for the defense of secularism, the Virgin must be moved. The administrative court will render its decision on March 3.