The liver: a slimming ally

Bonjour Docteur devotes its program to weight loss, not for aesthetic criteria, but because obesity and overweight are factors of serious pathologies. Gold, nearly 20% of French people are obese and 30% overweightwhich means that half of the French population runs health risks : type 2 diabetes, arterial hypertension, osteoarthritis, fatty liver disease, certain cancers such as that of the uterus, among other pathologies.

But we often ignore that to lose weight, the liver may play a key role. It is indeed an organ that allows, under certain conditions, to reduce our weight but also our satiety.

To explain to us the role of the liver in weight loss, Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive the Dr. Reginal Allouchenutritionist, biomedical engineer and author of the book The Hepato Detox Method published by Albin Michel. Far from miracle diets, he offers us a proven method for losing weight and regaining well-being and health.

Medical news and questions from listeners

Today, Dr Jimmy Mohamed talks to us about the Nutriscorewhich should change in 2023.

He also responds to Aude, who lives in Montluçon: ” I’m making some boils repeatedly and I don’t know where it comes from. What can I do ? »

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