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The rescue at the end of May 1940 of 330,000 Allied soldiers surrounded in Dunkirk by the German army is known as “Operation Dynamo”. The soldiers were evacuated by sea thanks to thousands of small English boats. Each year, these “Little Ships” return to the Dunkirk beaches to commemorate this historic event.
To the rhythm of the bagpipes, a dozen ships in English colors are in Dunkirk (North) on Sunday May 22. A beautiful sight for the people around. These “Little Ships”, boats of all types, came in May 1940 to evacuate French and British soldiers then taking refuge in the city, surrounded by the Germans. The event is still in people’s minds. “My grandfather was one of 330,000 soldiers rescued and brought back to the UK”testifies Stephen Wheatleymember of the crew of the Lady Lou.
These ships are considered war heroes. At only 11 meters long, a ship has saved many lives. “There were 33 of them and four crew members. In all, 37 people on this boat. I let you imagine: they were in every corner”says Howard hywellcaptain of the Elvin. From Monday 23 May, these historic boats will be heading for Belgium.