The Little House on the Prairie: an actor in the series indicted for rape in France!

Radames Pera was indicted for sexual assault and aggravated rape of a minor under the age of 15. Information revealed this Friday, June 24 by BFM TV. The 61-year-old actor, who was charged in July 2021 with abusing a five-year-old girl, “has always denied the facts before the investigators“, revealed the public prosecutor of Reims, Matthieu Bourrette. The latter also explained that this indictment will “enable long and in-depth investigations to be carried out in a complex and atypical case”.

But the provisional detention is not claimed because the suspect collaborates and answers all the summonses of justice. He also has no criminal record in France, where he has been living for several years, near the Marne. The investigation is still ongoing, the objective being to find elements of the alleged facts, testimonies and perhaps even other victims.

Cult program

The one who interprets the Little Beetle in the series Kung Fu had joined the North-East of France in 2017, two years after having married his wife whom he had met in the South of France. He has a child with her. He had greatly contributed to the success of the series “Little House on the Prairie”, broadcast from 1974 to 1983 by the American channel NBC.

The New York actor then played the role of John Sanderson Edwards, the young fiancé of Mary Ingalls, one of the heroines of the story, played by actress Melissa Sue anderson. Mélissa Gilbert, who had undergone a major operation in 2020, played the main role of the series by playing Laura Ingalls.

This program, with its unforgettable credits, has passed through several generations. It is still broadcast in France. For many months, a rumor has been circulating that a new version of the program could see the light of day soon. A news that would surely revive all the fans, very nostalgic since the end of the series, March 21, 1983.

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