the little bomb dropped by Bertrand Delanoë “in a small committee”!

Bertrand Delanoë will vote Emmanuel Macron. The former mayor of Paris (2001-2014) made it known “in a small committee”. “I voted for him hoping he will be a good president, I vote for him in 2022 knowing he will be a good president”writes the JDD which relays it.

Hidalgo, her former first assistant, will therefore not be able to count on the support of her ex-mentor while she is going through a complicated period. The latter has indeed fallen below the symbolic bar of 5% of voting intentions.

“Very good news! Bertrand Delanoé was a great mayor of Paris. His righteousness and his commitment are models for many social democrats and progressives. His support for Emmanuel Macron is major”tweeted the current Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Olivier Dussopt, when he discovered the information.

“As in 2017, Bertrand Delanoë prefers his country to his party”for his part declared the LREM deputy for Eure, Bruno Questel.

The former mayor of Paris gathered, a few days earlier, his supporters around his association called Les amis de Bertrand Delanoë and Anne Hidalgo was, according to some relatives, not invited.

See also: Karine Ferri fired from “The Voice”? The sublime Tatiana Silva could have stolen her place!


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