the listening cells are overwhelmed


Video duration:
2 min


Article written by

franceinfo – F. Mathieux, C. Cormery, M. Salmon

France Televisions

More and more families and students are calling on helplines for harassed children. A report of harassment can then be sent directly to the rectorate.

From 10 a.m., on the anti-harassment platform, the phone calls follow one another. On the phone, we find distraught parents, and sometimes shy children. One of them says she was pushed several times down the stairs at school. The psychologist who listens to him encourages him to talk about it to those around him. “It would be good to summarize all of this, like you did with me, with your friends, so that you feel supported, so that you can go see an adult“, she advises him.

A record number of calls for this back to school

More than 300 calls arrive on the platform every day. In another case, a father, whose son was hit and subjected to racist insults, called. A report of harassment will be sent to the rectorate, who will have to contact the family and the establishment in the following days. There have never been so many calls as at the start of the school year. More and more families of harassing students are also reporting, consumed by worry and a feeling of guilt.

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