the list of the best high schools in Lorraine

Success rate, mentions, rate of access to the baccalaureate from the second, first or final class … The Ministry of National Education publishes this Wednesday a whole series of indicators for the 2021 baccalaureate in establishments. general, technical and vocational education.

The success rate is not enough to define a good school to prepare for the baccalaureate. Through other indicators, the national education system wants to highlight establishments that deploy efforts to advance all their students. Thus the rate of access to the baccalaureate is the probability that a pupil obtains the examination at the end of an entire schooling in high school. Other criteria, again, are presented on the ministry’s website.

Nancy-Metz Academy: success rates and bac access rates by institution

You can search in this table by city or by general and technological education establishment (public or private) and sort the results, from the smallest to the largest and vice versa.

Eighteen secondary schools in Lorraine can claim the rate of 100% success in the baccalaureate, including four in the public sector. They were 20 in 2020, an extraordinary year. But a 100% at the baccalaureate does not always coincide with a high rate of access to the exam since the second, as at the Gustave Eiffel high school in Talange (74%) or at the Saint-Etienne high school in Metz (75%).

The best access rates to the bac since the second in Moselle

  • Louis-Casimir Teysier general and technological high school in Bitche: 96% for a success rate of 99%
  • Notre-Dame de la Providence high school in Thionville: 95% for a success rate of 100%
  • Two establishments have had a 94% access rate since the second: Saint-Antoine in Phalsbourg (and 100% success rate) and Henri-Nomine in Sarreguemines (94% success rate)

The best rates of access to the bac since the second in Meurthe-et-Moselle

  • Lycée Henri Poincaré in Nancy: 97% for a success rate of 98%
  • Two establishments have an access rate since the second of 95%: the general and technological high school Jean Zay de Jardy (99% success rate) and La Malgrange in Jarville (100% success rate)
  • Two establishments in Nancy have an access rate of 94%: Henri-Loritz (success: 96%) and Saint-Léon-IX (100% success)

The best rates of access to the bac from the second in the Vosges

Beau Jardin High School in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges: 94% for a success rate of 100%

Lycée Louis Lapicque d’Epinal: 92% for a success rate of 95%

Jean Lurçat de Bruyères high school: 91% for a success rate of 98%

The best rates of access to the bac since the second in the Meuse

Lycée Raymond Poincaré in Bar-le-Duc: 91% for a success rate of 95%

Saint-Louis High School in Bar-le-Duc: 91% for a success rate of 100%

Henri Vogt general and technological high school in Commercy: 90% for a success rate of 90%

Video: the methodology of the Ministry of National Education

In this 2018 video, the ministry explains the purpose of each indicator.

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After a special 2020 edition, marked by the first confinement and exceptional success rates, the 2021 baccalaureate marked the beginning of a return to normal. The success rate was 93.8% nationally, down slightly from last year, 93.8% also in the Nancy-Metz academy.

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