“The line of choice for activists will be in relation to the far right”, assures Jean-François Copé


France 2

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Jean-François Copé, mayor of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), is the guest of “4 Truths” of France 2, Tuesday September 20.

Does France need to reform pensions, as the government seems to want to do? “Those who say the country doesn’t need it are irresponsible. Why? For future generations and everyone knows that. […] We are at 62, we can go up to 63 or 64, without it being an absolute taboo”confides Jean-François Copé, mayor of Meaux (Seine-et-Marne), guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Tuesday September 20.

The budget, if it were adopted via recourse to article 49.3, would it be legitimate? “Of course. There is a Constitution. General de Gaulle planned that we avoid the parliamentary deadlocks that we had known in previous republics”says Jean-François Copé.

In a few weeks, LR will choose a president, between Bruno Retailleau, Éric Ciotti and Aurélien Pradié. “The line of choice for activists is going to be against the far right. […] This does not prevent the right from having to rebuild itself from top to bottom, on the ideological level, on the level of men and women. We have to rebuild everything”concludes Jean-François Copé.

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