the Lille prosecutor opens an investigation

According to the father of the high school student who suffered from a heart attack, his son had asked to leave the examination room when he felt bad, but his request was refused.

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The entrance to the Gaston-Berger high school in Lille © (RADIO FRANCE / STEPHANE BARBEREAU)

The Lille prosecutor is opening an investigation to find “causes of death“of the high school student who died on Tuesday after suffering a heart attack, in the middle of the baccalaureate exam at the Gaston Berger high school in Lille, reports France Bleu Nord on Thursday March 23. This is “to circumscribe very precisely the causes and circumstances of death”writes Carole Etienne.

High school students describe scene of ‘chaos’

Nadir’s heart attack occurred while he was in the exam room, in the presence of 70 high school students working on the economics test for the STMG baccalaureate. Some describe to France Bleu Nord a scene of chaos and denounce a lack of responsiveness of the adults in charge of surveillance. The father of the victim, Tidjani Bekaddour-Benatia, questioned on this point by France 3 said to himself “surprised”. According to “the echoes” he had, his son had asked to leave the examination room when he felt unwell, but his request was refused.

The 19-year-old was then taken care of by the Samu, before being transported to the Lille University Hospital, where he died. “Rescue did everything they could”, says his father. Called by the Gaston Berger high school at the time of the facts, he assures “that he was very surrounded”, in the presence of firefighters and police, upon his arrival at the scene. Her son was suffering from severe heart disease from which he had been operated on and cured. He had since been wearing a pacemaker, according to information from France 3.

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