The light songs of the mosquito

While the authorities are warning about the continued presence in France of the tiger mosquito, vector of dengue fever, we note that the song has not yet taken into account the threat to public health.


Reading time: 7 min

Female Asian tiger mosquito.  (Illustration) (MICRO DISCOVERY / CORBIS DOCUMENTARY RF / GETTY IMAGES)

It’s serious, the mosquito. A tiny insect that spreads death, as this song by Congolese singer Zao reminds us. Here in Europe, we didn’t worry about mosquitoes until we traveled to countries where malaria was rife – a disease that some estimates say has killed half of the humans who have lived on earth since the beginning of the world. our species.

But in recent years the situation has changed. With the tiger mosquito, dengue is taking over an increasingly large portion of French territory, and Zao warns us that the fight against this insect is neither simple nor easily victorious.

In the second episode of These songs that make the news, broadcast this weekend, you hear excerpts from:

Zao, Mosquito, 1988

Annie Cordy and Luis Mariano, Mosquitoes, 1961

Michele and Christian, Mosquito hunting, 1964

Richard Gotainer, The mosquito, 1977

Michele and Christian, Mosquito hunting, 1964

Richard Gotainer, The mosquito, 1977

Damn, The Ballad of the Mosquito, 2000

Joe Dassin, The mosquito, 1972

Jo Corbeau, Mystical mosquito, 1999

Francky Vincent, Prick me, 1988

Rue d’la Gouaille, The mosquito, 2005

You can also follow the news of this column on Twitter.

And you can also find the podcast on this link Behind our voices, with the writing and composition secrets of eight major artists of the French scene, Laurent Voulzy, Julien Clerc, Bénabar, Dominique A, Carla Bruni, Emily Loizeau, Juliette and Gaëtan Roussel.

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