the life sentence again required on appeal against Ali Riza Polat

Tried for “complicity in terrorist crimes” during the first trial of the attacks against Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher, Ali Riza Polat was sentenced to thirty years’ imprisonment in December 2020.

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Nearly eight years after the jihadist attacks against Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher, the prosecution demanded on Tuesday October 18 life imprisonment and 20 years in prison against the two defendants retried on appeal in Paris for their alleged role in these attacks: Ali Riza Polat and Amar Ramdani.

The public prosecutor asked for the heaviest sentence, life imprisonment with a security period of 22 years, for Ali Riza Polat, accused of complicity in the crimes committed in January 2015 by Amedy Coulibaly and the Saïd brothers and Cherif Kouachi. The prosecution has emphasized the role “central” of Ali Riza Polat in the preparation of attacks, in particular in the search for and the supply of arms. He was sentenced in December 2020 to thirty years in prison.

In the first part of a two-voice indictment, her colleague from the public prosecutor’s office Delphine Thibierge requested at the end of the morning against the second accused, Amar Ramdani, a sentence of twenty years’ imprisonment, accompanied by a period two-thirds security. For the prosecution, despite his denials, Amar Ramdani, another close friend of Amedy Coulibaly, did provide the weapons that “used to kill” five of the seventeen victims of the attacks.

>> Who are the fourteen accused in the trial of the January 2015 attacks?

At the end of the first trial, which resulted in the convictions of the eleven defendants present with sentences ranging from four years’ imprisonment to thirty years’ imprisonment, only Ali Riza Polat and Amar Ramdani, the most heavily sentenced, had calls. Amar Ramdani is retried at 41 for criminal terrorist association.

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