the life imprisonment required against a “great criminal, great predator”

Advocate General Jacques Dallest combined the required sentence with a security period of 22 years. He described the accused, tried since January 31 before the assizes of Isère, of “absolute social danger”.

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This is the maximum penalty incurred. Advocate General Jacques Dallest requested, Thursday, February 17, life imprisonment, with a security period of 22 years, against Nordahl Lelandais. He is tried by the Assizes of Isère for having kidnapped and killed Maëlys de Araujo, 8, in August 2017, as well as for sexual assaults against two little cousins, 4 and 6 years old, during the same summer. “I will therefore ask you to declare Nordahl Lelandais a major criminal, a major predator, guilty of the charges”, claimed Jacques Dallest. He also referred to Nordahl Lelandais as “constant liar” and “manipulator”.

During his indictment, which lasted nearly two hours, the Advocate General returned to Nordahl Lelandais’ motivations when he kidnapped the girl. “Obviously the motive is sexual”, he launched, adding to have “the conviction that a sexual gesture has been imposed on Maëlys, touching or penetration”. But he recalled that Nordahl Lelandais was not tried for rape in this case for lack of“material element”, because the girl’s body had been found in a too degraded state, six months after her disappearance. Finally, he “still have questions” on the circumstances of the death of Maëlys, at the end of these three weeks of trial, which boil down to “confessions and mysteries”.

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