the level 3 protocol established in primary schools



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Faced with the increase in positive cases in Covid-19, the health protocol in primary schools will be upgraded to level 3.

The government unveiled changes in its health policy on Monday, December 6 at a press conference by Prime Minister Jean Castex and Minister of Health Olivier Véran. In particular, it was announced that the health protocol in primary schools would be upgraded to level 3. Therefore, from elementary school, wearing masks indoors and outdoors will be compulsory for students and staff. They must also wear a mask and respect the mandatory distances indoors during physical and sports activities.

Frequently touched premises and equipment should be disinfected several times a day. The mixing of pupils by level and by class must also be reduced to a minimum, especially during meals in the canteen. Classes will remain face-to-face for primary schools and colleges but they may take place partially at a distance in certain high schools depending on the health situation.

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