The letter to Santa Claus

“Dear Santa Claus, I hope you are doing well because you are still old and the old people are not doing too well at the moment. This year I have been very good. I have done everything well. what Uncle Castex told me. I put on my mask in the classroom and in the yard and at home and in the toilets and in my bed, and all, and all. Me and my friends, we are all fine spat into the little pot to find out if it’s because of us that we were all sick. And like the other children, I also had my little pneumonia thanks to the open windows in the classroom. ask you for toys by the thousands, but this year, I don’t want you to bring me new things, but rather old ones. “

We are not immune to making a good show

Find your daily dose of good humor with Willy Rovelli and his tribe in “We are not immune to making a good show”, every day from 12h to 13h on France Bleu.

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