The association advises on franceinfo to pay attention to the people you accept as friends on social networks and not to share “suggestive” photos of children, in swimsuits or gymnastics clothes, for example.
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“A study shows that 50% of the photos published on pedophile forums are snapshots taken by the parents that they had shared on their social networks”alert this Friday on franceinfo Isabelle Debré, president of the association “L’Enfant Bleu” which fights against child abuse.
The association “L’Enfant Bleu” is launching a campaign to warn of the dangers of “sharing” (contraction of the words “sharing” which means “sharing” and “parenting” which means “parenting”). On its website, the association warns: “In order to prevent a photo of your child from falling into the wrong hands, we recommend that you limit the reach of your publications”.
Be careful what you share on social media
Isabelle Debré explains that pedophiles collect lambda photos posted by parents and hijack them: “We find them on these absolutely scandalous sites”. “When a child arrives on social networks, there are already more than 1,300 images of him that exist”explains the president who gives keys to fight against this: “We alert parents, we ask them to pay attention to their photos but also to secure their networks. This is the campaign we are launching today”.
Isabelle Debré recognizes this, “parents cannot be banned from posting photos” but they must, according to her, be very vigilant. For example, among the tips shared, parents should not “not accept anyone as a friend” on social media and should not share “suggestive photos: naked children, in bathing suits or in gymnastic outfits”.
A bill soon to be examined in a new reading
Finally, concerning the bill tabled in January and which wants “Introduce the protection of the privacy of the child among the obligations of parents under parental authority”Isabelle Debre “wait to see what will come out of it” but according to her, “before sanctions, we must empower parents and make them aware” of the danger of their actions.
This bill had been adopted at first reading by the National Assembly and then by the Senate. After the failure of the joint committee at the beginning of June, it must be examined in a new reading by Parliament.