The lemon

An uncertain origin

We do not know how to date the appearance of the lemon. It would have been born in the 5th millennium BC from a mixture of bigarade orange and citron. It may be the man who gave birth to this fruit by bringing together the orange and the cedar by manipulation of the two plants. It is the star of Muslim gardens, before becoming one of the most requested trees in French castles. In the 17th century, people ruined themselves to have their own lemon trees which they sheltered in winter in the orangeries, like that of Louis XIV, at Versailles.

In the kitchen

Natural, it is delicious with fish. With its juice you can replace the vinegar in the vinaigrette, You can obviously make a lemonade by mixing lemon juice with a little water. It is also found in lemonade, Maghrebi cherbet or limoncello. Frozen it can be grated to refresh a salad or yogurt. Cooked, it is delicious in a tagine or in the famous lemon tart.

Lemon juice is very healthy ©Getty
Peter Dazeley Creative – n°: 1020480798

Health side

It’s packed with vitamin C, it’s also alkaline, it soothes inflammation, it’s also full of potassium good for the nervous system. As Rosa Lewis said “we must put our heart into the kitchen” We can add lemon too.

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