the legendary Italian studios of Cinecittà return to success



Video length: 1 min

Cinema: the legendary Italian Cinecittà studios return to success

Cinema: the legendary Italian Cinecittà studios return to success – (FRANCE 2)

After several years of slumps, the Cinecittà studios, located near Rome (Italy), are now 80% occupied, thanks in particular to the rise of video-on-demand platforms.

Angelina Jolie, Denzel Washington, Charlize Theron… The biggest stars of American cinema are once again flocking to Italy to film in the famous Cinecittà studios. Made legendary in the 1950s and 1960s, the city of cinema is coming out of several years of decline. But it seems to be returning to international and Italian success. Today, these studios are 80% occupied, thanks in particular to the rise of video-on-demand platforms, always looking for new content.

Artisanal know-how and cutting-edge technologies

Located a few kilometers from Rome (Italy), the city of cinema has many assets. It combines the artisanal know-how that has made it famous and cutting-edge technologies, such as a 412-meter wall of light, one of the largest in Europe, allowing all kinds of virtual settings to be recreated. In recent years, Cinecittà has benefited from more than 200 million euros of investment from the Italian state.

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