The Legault government has breached the ethics of the National Assembly

Ethics Commissioner Ariane Mignolet concludes that the government committed an ethical breach by using public resources as part of a training session requested by the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ).

In an investigation report, Ms. Mignolet concludes that training given in November 2021 was of a partisan nature contrary to the provisions of Article 36 of the National Assembly’s code of ethics. This training for constituency office employees had been organized by Chief Government Whip Éric Lefebvre, at the request of the CAQ, noted the Commissioner. It finds a violation but imposes no sanction.

“I find that the Chief Whip breached section 36 of the Code by failing to ensure that his staff members’ equipment and email addresses, as well as their working time, were used only for activities related to the exercise of his office as Chief Government Whip on the occasion of the presentation “Media planning and buying – Training for constituency teams”, offered on November 10, 2021.

Further details will follow.

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