The legality of the work of the Mauzé mega-basin confirmed by the prefecture of Deux-Sèvres

Opponents of the Mauzé-sur-le-Mignon mega-basin thought they had found a flaw in the construction of the Mauzé-sur-le-Mignon mega-basin, but ultimately nothing. This Tuesday morning, the prefecture of Deux-Sèvres announced the opening of a “control and expertise mission” to “verify the nature of certain plots” following information brought to its attention.

For the opponents, a trench and a pipeline had just been installed, all in the middle of the wetland. Wetland where work is prohibited between November 1 and July 31. In a press release, the prefect even indicated that he was ready to take legal action if the irregularity in the work was indeed noted.

Work not in wet areas

But new episode this Wednesday evening. In a new press release, the prefecture announces that the work carried out on the Mauzé basin finally complies with the prescriptions of its decree. The trench and the pipeline are therefore not in a wetland. The prefecture specifies that the project leader, Coop de l’Eau 79, has indeed made the route modifications requested following the passage of an ecologist, precisely to avoid this wetland. For the prefecture, the work can therefore continue legally.

The “Bassines non merci” collective, which is still asking for work to be stopped, was still present on the site on Tuesday. About thirty people came to observe the progress of the work, under the surveillance of a helicopter from the gendarmerie and 70 soldiers.

source site-38