The legacy of Elizabeth II, what awaits her successor Charles III and the future of the United Kingdom… The informed of Saturday September 10

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed discuss the news of Saturday September 10, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes :

What was Elizabeth II the symbol of? What disappears with it? Is the planetary homage paid to him excessive?

Is the British monarchy still useful? Will she survive Elizabeth II?

King Charles III is he up to the task?

Is the disappearance of Elizabeth II synonymous with decline for the United Kingdom? The country is facing an economic crisis, the aftermath of Brexit, the temptation of separatism in Scotland or the decline of the Commonwealth.

The informed:

Richard Werley, Swiss correspondent of Blick

Alberto Toscanocolumnist in Paris for the daily Milano Finanza

Denis Strelkov, journalist for the Russian language section of RFI

Mihaela Antoche, journalist for Romanian television in France

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