the left takes the lead and unites in the first constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques

“The division of the left, that’s enough!” exclaimed Jean-Yves Lalanne this Saturday, April 30 when announcing his candidacy for the legislative elections. The mayor of Billière, very left and former socialist, does not present himself alone for the first constituency of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. At his side, the socialist departmental councilor of Pau-1, Stéphanie Maza. They did not wait for an agreement to be found and signed at the national level. In addition, discussions between the delegations of La France Insoumise and the Socialist Party were put on hold on Friday.

“We are very optimistic, there will be a union” – Jean-Yves Lalanne, Mayor of Billière

Jean-Yves Lalanne is certain to anticipate an agreement which will be reached fairly quickly: “What is happening between the parties in Paris is very important. Our candidacy expresses one thing: it is not to want to go ahead of everyone. It is to say that we support this negotiation. ‘it works out. We’re very optimistic there will be a union.”

For him, we must start the movement because these elections are coming very quickly, on June 12 and 19. Applications are due May 16-20. “We need a national dynamic and a local dynamic.” This application should not serve as “testimony” but rather of “victoire” assures Jean-Yves Lalanne.

A union of the left possible?

The union of the left at the national level blocks on certain divergences. But it is possible defends Stéphanie Maza, departmental councilor of the Socialist Party of Pau-1. She proves it by joining forces with Jean-Yves Lalanne for the legislative elections: “It’s never easy to work at a rally of the left.”

She draws on her past experience: “Personally, I was elected with a pair of Generation.s at the department level. We have already been able to build a project together with all the elected representatives of the left at the departmental level. So it is possible, you have to know how to take a step back and accept that we may have differences which are often very, very thin compared to the convergence of our social, democratic and environmental values.” This candidacy was not made without consultation explains Stéphanie Maza: “We have met with representatives of the Socialist Party at departmental and local level. It’s no secret. Nobody finds out, even if some are offended by it.”

Stéphanie Maza hopes to do as in the departmental elections and beat Josy Poueyto. The latter is the current Modem MP for the first constituency of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

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