the left “risks being totally out of play”, warns Manuel Valls


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The former Prime Minister said Tuesday on franceinfo that the left “is no longer useful” in the current political context.

Left “risk of being totally out of play” during the presidential election, warned former Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Tuesday January 11 on franceinfo. “Did you see what condition she is in? […] When we no longer think about major social issues […] in the end, we are no longer useful, we disappear “, he added.

Manuel Valls believes that today “the left is not fighting to influence the country, to win the presidential election or to be present in the second round. It struggles to know which candidate will be ahead by plus or minus 10%” votes “therefore she cannot be useful”. For the former head of government of François Hollande, “what the French expect from the left is economic and social utility and on climate change issues”.

Despite everything, Manuel Valls still defines himself as a “leftist, republican” politician. Corn “this left has changed and evolved, he laments. I consider the word socialism to be a dead, outdated word “. However, if he wishes to wait for the “time come” to say what will be his vote for the presidential election “if it is necessary”, he admits having voted “for Valérie Pécresse in the regional elections”.

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