the left buries Christiane Taubira

Remember the declarations of each other on franceinfo, the phone calls, the secret dinners, the outstretched hands and the open arms on the air ofLet’s kiss Folleville… It’s from the past.

While Christiane Taubira is going through a complicated patch, the other candidates no longer seem to dream of her support. “We will not spend our days chasing after him”n confides a member of the PS management. A relative of Yannick Jadot judges him that “her rallying would have brought real added value if she was still in a position to be a candidate”judging more than uncertain now that its withdrawal “still brings momentum.”

From now on, all the candidates on the left consider that the presidential adventure is over for Christiane Taubira. His irruption in the campaign did not shake up the balance of power, the polls attest to this. His main supporters in the left-wing Radical Party are failing him. As for sponsorships, the counter remains stuck below 100. At the last count, Tuesday, February 15, 73 signatures had been validated by the Constitutional Council. “I don’t see how she can get to 500 before March 4”says an adviser to Anne Hidalgo.

“Taubira is led out through the very small door”, predicts an environmentalist. Who expects a withdrawal without voting instructions: “She will leave without making a scene, but I think she will make a beautiful, very poetic statement to say I tried, I did not succeed…”

At Christiane Taubira’s HQ, we refute any future withdrawal. Officially the teams will seek sponsorships “with teeth”. The candidate is more ambiguous when she says “not having mourned the union”or when it calls for discussions without preconditions.

In summary, Taubira does not make the maintenance of his candidacy the basis of the discussions. But we can see that her calls are now ringing in the void, because the other candidates no longer consider her central to organizing this discussion. She says she will go all the way, and there is this terrible sentence from one of her relatives this Wednesday in Le Parisien / Today in France : “Yes, she will go all the way… In any case until March 4, the deadline for submitting sponsorships.”

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