For the former presidential candidate, the left must “carry an alternative, based on a collective which respects the unions and which is ready to govern”. And this collective cannot be Nupes, according to him.
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He doesn’t want it anymore. The Left Alliance “Nupes is outdated”judges the leader of the Communists, Fabien Roussel, in an interview Monday, April 3 at The Express. “We must gather well beyond”stings the former presidential candidate, who has never been a big supporter of this alliance launched by Jean-Luc Mélenchon for the 2022 legislative elections.
The left must “to carry an alternative, based on a collective, which respects the unions and which is ready to govern”wishes the one who should be re-elected national secretary of the PCF at the end of the congress of Marseilles, next weekend.
A helping hand to Bernard Cazeneuve
Fabien Roussel claims to have seen during his “tour de France” “an appetite for a new left that is not limited to Jean-Luc Mélenchon”. The interview was carried out before the victory, on Sunday, of the socialist dissident Martine Froger against the candidate supported by the Nupes, the LFI Bénédicte Taurine, in the partial legislative of Ariège.
Asked about his desire to extend the union of the left to Bernard Cazeneuve, who left the PS denouncing the “toutouisation” socialists by La France insoumise, Fabien Roussel responds: “Yes! We must speak to the entire left. It is unimaginable to exclude anyone if one wants to embody a force of progress capable of winning.” But he accompanies his outstretched hand with a warning: “I say this to Bernard Cazeneuve, former Prime Minister: our program will not be able to accommodate capitalism, it will above all bring about a radical social transformation.”