the leaders of universities and major schools point to “the immediate, real and unprecedented threat” of a “large majority” RN

In a joint statement, they warn of the political “danger” which weighs on “openness to others, tolerance, intellectual curiosity and even critical thinking”.



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RN President Jordan Bardella is well-placed to be France's next prime minister. (ARTUR WIDAK / NURPHOTO)

The day after the first round of legislative elections, university and college leaders are mobilizing to say “no to the National Rally [RN] for universities and schools“. Sunday night results “show a real risk that the RN could have a large majority in the National Assembly on the evening of the second round“, underline in a press release France Universities, the Conference of Directors of French Engineering Schools, the Conference of Directors of French Management Schools and the Conference of Grandes Ecoles.

This threat is “immediate, real and unprecedented“.”It must be faced with seriousness and determination, because it does not constitute an ordinary alternation in a democracy.“, add these organizations. For them, “It is indeed universal and humanist values ​​that are in danger: openness to others, tolerance, intellectual curiosity and critical thinking.“.

So, “lThe policy pursued by the RN endangers our higher education and the opportunities it offers to all young people, whatever their background, origins and social background.“. Another reproach, “it compromises the reception of foreign students, some of whom will become doctoral students and will participate, tomorrow, in the influence of French science in the world“.

“The alert goes beyond higher education and research establishments”, underline the leaders of universities and major schools. “We cannot accept the political project of the RN without betraying these values ​​and the spirit of the Enlightenment which is at the very foundation of the University and our schools.“, they conclude.

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