The leaders of Poitiers Basket 86 plan for the next season

The PB 86 has known more glorious and prosperous hours in its history, but the first basketball club in Poitou has resources and intends to fight to remain competitive and attractive in the sports landscape of Vienne. This Thursday, its leaders drew the first outlines of the files that are on the table. The first of them concerns the transfer window.

“Our wish is to keep a framework, a backbone, unlike last year when we carried out a major reorganization within the team. We hope to keep 5 to 6 players, maybe 7 among the boys currently in the squad. On the arrivals side, we have an agreement in principle with an element that plays the finals of NM1. As soon as the play-offs are over, we will communicate. explained Eric Pinaud, one of the vice-presidents.

Regarding the budget, sponsorship and the place of private partners will increase, it will be necessary to compensate for the drop in public aid. We are due to meet Grand-Poitiers soon. The Department has already lowered its subsidy, but we received in return an envelope for our training center. This is a fundamental aspect of our policy. We could decide to do without it and save 250,000 euros. But that’s not our mindset. I just hope that other communities will finally understand that training is important“analyzed Dominique Poey, another member of the triumvirate at the head of the club.

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