the leader of the Social Democrats, Magdalena Andersson, elected Prime Minister for good

His election closes the soap opera of the transition of social democratic power caused by the departure of Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

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After an incredible election-resignation in the space of seven hours the previous week, the head of the Swedish Social Democrats, Magdalena Andersson, was re-elected Prime Minister on Monday, November 29 by Parliament. She will be able to officially become the first woman to hold the post in the country.

Until now Minister of Finance, Magdalena Andersson was elected by the deputies with 173 votes against, 101 votes for and 75 abstentions, in a vote with the air of deja vu. In Sweden, a government is approved as long as an absolute majority of 175 deputies does not vote its censure.

Barring an improbable new surprise, the election closes the soap opera of the social democratic transition of power caused by the departure of Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, who had handed over earlier this month after seven years in power and less than a year legislative elections in September 2022. The presentation of his government to King Carl XVI Gustaf, which officially marks his assumption of office, is expected on Tuesday.

At the end of an eventful day last Wednesday, Magdalena Andersson was first elected Prime Minister, then beaten on her budget by the right-wing opposition, and finally forced to resign after the surprise departure of environmentalists from the government. Although elected within seven hours, she had not officially taken office.

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