The leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec assures that she has “no intention at all” of resigning in the event of defeat.

Liberal leader Dominique Anglade plans to stay in office after the October 3 election, come what may.

This is what she hinted Monday morning in an interview with Paul Arcand of 98.5 FM.

Mr. Arcand suggested to him that a Liberal leader “who loses, does not last long”.

“That’s not my intention at all, so there you go. You will see me again often, M. Arcand. I am a very determined person,” replied Ms. Anglade.

Earlier in the interview, the host had revealed the results of a survey conducted by the firm Segma Research for 106.9 Mauricie and Le Nouvelliste.

According to this survey, the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) is headed for unequivocal victories in the counties of Trois-Rivières and Laviolette — Saint-Maurice.

To Mr. Arcand who declared that she was “in serious trouble”, Ms. Anglade replied that the Liberals were “absolutely confident”, but that they took “nothing for granted”.

The leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec argued that there were two weeks left in the election campaign, and a leaders’ debate on Radio-Canada on Thursday.

According to her, “people are open” and question themselves much more than before. Ms. Anglade said her party was center left on the political spectrum.

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