the leader of the Islamist movement expected in Egypt to discuss a potential truce

A truce coming? Hamas leader Ismaïl Haniyeh, based in Qatar, is expected in Egypt on Thursday February 1 to discuss an initiative formulated during a meeting last weekend in Paris between CIA Director William Burns and Egyptian, Israeli and Qatari officials. “We are working to obtain another agreement for the release of our hostages, but not at any price”, declared for his part Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, under pressure both from the hostage families for a release and from members of his government hostile to an agreement which would be too generous according to them for the Palestinians. Follow our live stream.

UNRWA threatened by suspension of funding. “We will not be able to continue our humanitarian operations, which really save lives, from the end of February”highlighted Tamara Alrifai, director of external relations and communications at UNRWA, interviewed on franceinfo. Twelve countries have suspended funding to the UN agency after Israel accused employees of being involved in the October 7 attacks.

Khan Younes targeted by “intense bombings”. In recent days, the Israeli army has indicated that it “surrounded” the city in the south of the Palestinian enclave. L’UN reported “intense bombardments” across the Gaza Strip, and in particular in Khan Younes, saying 184,000 Palestinians had registered to seek humanitarian aid after being forced to leave the western part of the city.

Houthi and Iranian drones destroyed by the United States. During the day on Wednesday,he American military Command in the Middle East (Centcom) claimed to have destroyed a dozen drones belonging to the Houthi rebels in Yemen and three other devices of the Tehran regime after an American military ship was targeted by a missile

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