“The Le Pen vote becomes a catch-all vote”, believes the director general of Ifop


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Presidential 2027: “The Le Pen vote becomes a catch-all vote”, believes the director general of Ifop

Three years before the first round of the 2027 presidential election, an Ifop poll, commissioned by “Valeurs Actuelles”, would give Marine Le Pen the winner of the second round. Guest of 19/20 info, Frédéric Dabi, general director of the Ifop polling institute, qualifies the results. – (franceinfo)

Three years before the first round of the 2027 presidential election, an Ifop poll, commissioned by “Valeurs Actuelles”, would give Marine Le Pen the winner of the second round. Guest of 19/20 info, Frédéric Dabi, general director of the Ifop polling institute, qualifies the results.

Current Values reveals that a first Ifop survey carried out on voting intentions for the 2027 presidential election would give Marine Le Pen the winner of the second round. However, according to Frédéric Dabi, general director of the Ifop polling institute, we should not only focus on the potential results of the second round, but especially on those of the first. “The second round has no importance, the important thing is the first round”, he says. We cannot therefore measure any possible dynamics before knowing the results of the first round, specifies the specialist.

Voting intentions three years before the election

The real surprise, according to him, lies in the 36% of votes that the National Rally candidate could obtain in the first round. “What is very striking (…) is that the Le Pen vote becomes a catch-all vote. Except for senior executives, there is not a category where the National Rally, where Marine Le Pen, has a score weak”, underlines the general director of Ifop. He nevertheless recalls that this poll of voting intentions was carried out three years before the start of the presidential election, and that these figures may change.

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