the lawyers of the family of a French jihadist suffering from cancer publish an open letter to the Macron couple

“France will let one of its nationals agonize under the eyes of her children”, write the lawyers of Pascale Descamps, whose daughter left to join the Islamic State group in 2015, accompanied by her children.

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“The daughter of Mrs. Pascale Descamps does not have access to the care and treatment necessary for her survival.” The lawyers of the family of a Frenchwoman, who left for Syria in 2015 to join the Islamic State group, launched an appeal to the First Lady, Brigitte Macron, on Thursday June 23, in an open letter, consulted by France Télévisions.

This national has been detained with her four children for nearly three and a half years in the Roj camp, where former jihadists are placed. She has suffered from colon cancer for several years and “must now undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments incompatible with his living conditions”.

“Vital prognosis at stake”

Since 2019, Pascale Descamps, the mother of this national, has multiplied the appeals and appeals “to put an end to this terrible situation”. She filed two complaints, including one against the Keeper of the Seals, and she took the State to court. His lawyers had already asked the French authorities for “urgent medical repatriation” of this woman in November 2020. Without success.

However, his situation is getting worse, according to his family’s lawyers. “His vital prognosis is at stake”explain Agathe Quinio and Emmanuel Daoud in this letter to Brigitte Macron. “This situation imposed on him corresponds, neither more nor less, to inhuman and degrading treatment within the meaning of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms”they say. “France will let one of its nationals die under the eyes of her children”implore the two councils, which insist on his repatriation and call for “humanity” of Brigitte Macron and the President of the Republic.

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