Mud, wind and circuits in the Perseigne forest: nothing more was needed to attract fans of mountain biking and hiking on Monday, November 1, on the occasion of the Laurent-Brochard race organized by the ‘Union Cycliste Mamers-Neufchâtel. Canceled last year because of the health crisis, this 28th edition welcomed 800 people : 500 mountain bikers and 300 walkers. A good recovery for the club, and delighted athletes.
Rediscover the group effect and discover new circuits
On arrival, and before the snack, the runners line up behind the garden hose to clean their bikes: the mud was there. “We are here for that: the mud, the ribs, and drool a little” Vincent laughs, his 35 kilometers barely finished. Even if he continued to train, it is the first organized race he has been doing for two years, Covid-19 requires: “It feels good to forget the crisis a little, the masks, and to find new people”.
– Marie Dorcet
This course also allows cyclists to discover other areas, like Florent, who came with his three training friends. They are more used to driving in the Le Mans sector, “rather flat. There, it allows us to gauge ourselves when it climbs like that. And then having a marked circuit, it allows not to get lost in this forest that we do not know very well.” Even if the recovery was not easy for everyone, especially with the state of the terrain, the 500 mountain bikers finished their circuit (15, 20, 25, 35 or 45 kilometers) delighted.
Health pass and free departures
To stick to health regulations, the Union Cycliste Mamers-Neufchâtel had to revise its organization a little. Each participant had to present a health pass, and the mass departure could not take place : from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., cyclists or hikers set off on their own. To check the health pass, 50 volunteers were mobilized.
– Marie Dorcet
The success of the race, which has hosted between 200 and 1,000 participants since it has existed depending on the weather, gives hope to the president of the club, Serge Besnard. “Last year, as it was canceled, we had a deficit of 2,000 euros. This is approximately what the Laurent-Brochard reports to us “. The 2021 edition therefore made it possible to absorb the losses a little. The next UCMN race will take place in May, in Neufchâtel, in the elite national race.