The Calvados MP and PS spokesperson “calls on everyone to come to their senses”.
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The day after the resignation of the Attal government, negotiations between the leaders of the New Popular Front have reached a standstill over the name of a Prime Minister to form a government. The Socialist MP for Calvados, Arthur Delaporte, assured, on franceinfo on Wednesday 17 July, that the Laurence Tubiana lead, launched by his party but rejected by LFI, “is not abandoned” And “calls on everyone to come to their senses.”
According to the PS spokesperson, the rebels rejected Laurence Tubiana’s candidacy “on the fact” based on an argument “fallacious”namely that she “was a Macronist”. “But do we say that a person who has twice refused to join the government is a Macronist? Do we say that a person who signed a pseudo ‘Macronist column’ with José Bové and Noël Mamère is a Macronist? I don’t think so.”pleads Arthur Delaporte.
The socialist MP also recalls that Laurence Tubiana “she herself did not say that she was giving up, unlike Huguette Bello”the candidate proposed by La France Insoumise and the Communist Party. In this sense, the track of the candidacy of the one who is presented by Arthur Delaporte as “able to finally bring together a French political landscape”, according to him, “is not abandoned”.
“I call on everyone to come to their senses”he says, assuring that “having seen yesterday evening rebels discussing with socialists, socialists discussing with environmentalists, (…) the telephones continue to ring and that, contrary to what can be said on certain sets, the discussions are not at a standstill.” Concerning the negotiations concerning the name of the person who will be proposed for the presidency of the National Assembly, in which Arthur Delaporte is participating, “the atmosphere is constructive, calm”assures the deputy.