Massive operation of evictions and also operation of destruction of slums, the Wuambushu device worries the populations of the largest slum in France in Kawéni, in Mayotte.
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1,800 members of the security forces are currently present in Mayotte, as part of a massive eviction operation, an operation to “put an end to criminal gangs”, according to Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior and Overseas. Operation also of destruction of slums. While some are impatient to see these unsanitary habitats eradicated, others fear for the human rights of the people who live in these neighborhoods. Kanaléni district in Dzoumogné and “PPF” in Bandraboua, residents testify to their daily lives. Comments collected by Taslima Abdou Hamza and Géniale Attoumani.
Polynesia: a second round for the territorial elections, April 30
The separatists came out on top in the first round of territorial elections in Polynesia last Sunday, April 16. Election which aims to renew the members of the Assembly of the territory, who then elect the president of the community. The second round, scheduled for April 30, will oppose the separatists to two autonomist lists, including that led by Edouard Fricth, the outgoing president of Polynesia.
Martinique: chlordecone and world record for prostate cancer
The Assembly of Martinique voted this Thursday a bill on chlordecone, to encourage the government to legislate on this pesticide, used until 1993 in West Indian banana plantations. A pesticide classified as a possible carcinogen by the WHO.
Martinique still holds the world record for prostate cancer today. North of the island, Christine Cupit met Lalanne, a former agricultural worker. She testifies to the ultratoxic effects of chlordecone on her health and that of her loved ones.
New shark slaughter campaign in Nouméa, New Caledonia
Three shark attacks, including a fatal one, took place in less than a month this winter, on busy beaches. So, during this operation, all water activities are prohibited. Lizzie Carboni of New Caledonia the 1st.