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While he will launch his campaign at a meeting at Parc Chanot in Marseille on March 5, the outgoing president has managed, for the moment, to dodge the question of his balance sheet.
It is no longer a secret: Emmanuel Macron will hold his first meeting on March 5 in Marseille. A very late entry of the President of the Republic into the campaign. “He returned at about the same time as François Mitterrand had done in 1988 or General de Gaulle in 1965. About a month before the first round. During that time, he let the various oppositions tear each other apart and delays the debate on the results of his five-year term”explains Jérôme Sainte-Marie, political scientist and president of the Polling Vox Institute.
But is a blitz the right operation for the outgoing president? “Yes”according to him, “especially since he is in the minority and is still unpopular in the polls. He does not want the various oppositions and subjects of discontent to focus against him”. All the other candidates are waiting for his declaration of candidacy, which could shake up the polls.
“As soon as he is a candidate, the French will start to wonder if we continue like this or if we have to change. They will think useful and wonder which candidate is best positioned to win”precise Jerome Sainte-Marie. In all the opinion polls, Emmanuel Macron is in the lead, but a phenomenon of settling could appear after having declared himself: “He will leave the situation of weightlessness. He will come back a bit on the ground of others and his position in the polls will be more difficult at that time”.