“The last three presidents, they turned it upside down”

His face and look give the impression that he has been through a lot but Drilon is only 19 years old. Born in Kosovo, he arrived in Moselle at the age of 7 with his family. Today, he lives in Fameck in Lorraine, about forty kilometers from Luxembourg.

Drilon has just quit a factory to find a job that pays better. His purpose in life is tomake money”, “not to flame“But to help his parents. Politics, the vote, the future? He no longer believes in it.

Drilon has been working since he was 16 years old. He connects the “odd jobs”, often short contracts and the interim boxes. He often goes to the local mission in Hayange (Moselle) to take stock with his adviser. She was the one who helped him write his very first CV.

Hard worker, Drilon does not feel represented in politics and even less considered. “I do not feel represented by Emmanuel Macron. He doesn’t remind me of myself at all.

“People above us who earn 10,000 euros a month tell us how to live on 1,200 euros…”

Drillon, 19 years old

at franceinfo

You can’t live with 1,200 euros“, launches Drilon who wonders without too much hope. “Are the politicians listening to us? Not for me. They know that when they retire, they’re going to be fine, whereas we’re going to be bad, like we’ve been bad all our lives.“.

Drilon says he has already mobilized with the “yellow vests” in Fameck, where he lives. But since then, he has abandoned the idea of ​​mobilizing. “I’m not saying that protesting is useless but even if we mobilize it won’t change anything“.

At 19, Drilon does not have a voter’s card and voting is not part of his plans. “At no time in my life will I vote. If I vote for so and so, what will change? Nothing at all.

“If I’m going to vote to vote white, it’s a waste of time. I know very well that all my life I will vote white.”

Drillon, 19 years old

at franceinfo

In politics, Drilon does not believe in change. “Each time there is a new person elected, he has good ideas at the beginning and then there is nothing left, everything flies away. The last two or three presidents we had, they turned it upside down.

Drilon prefers himself”break your back at work even if it’s to earn 1,200 euros rather than waste time going to vote blank“. His goal? To earn money to help his parents: Pthe faster i make money, the faster i can get my parents out of the shit the happier i will be“.

“One day, a gentleman asked me if I was a Muslim. I answered yes and he told me that I didn’t even have the right to be in front of him.”

Drillon, 19 years old

at franceinfo

Already a victim of racism, the young man of Kosovar origin is also driven by the desire to show that he belongs in France. “One day, I hope to reach the top to tell this gentleman that France is my country and that I have done better than him who was born here…

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