the last secrets of this crazy movie that you did not yet know!

A failure

If the film is still as much a success 30 years after its first broadcast, at the time, Santa Clause is garbage did not meet with great success in the cinema. Having become cult over the years, in particular thanks to its actors, who have also become essential, the film attracts only 1.6 million spectators in theaters when it comes out and receives many bad reviews …

A title that is debating

Used to love movies or elves during the holidays, Father Christmas is a junk comes a bit like a hair on the soup in the middle of the magic of Christmas … Initially baptized “ Santa Claus shot himself in the ass He then turned into junk. But for its producer Jean-Marie Poiré, this title was not going to make the film a great success. And he was right. In addition to not attracting many people indoors, display to promote it is prohibited by the RATP and the city of Paris, deeming the title politically incorrect.

A difficult shoot

With such a title, the making of the film was not easy! Indeed, aware of the title ” Santa Clause is garbage », The department stores in the capital have refused to allow teams to shoot in their establishments. The opening scene was thus shot in a hurry, Gérard Jugnot hidden in a van, and only coming out for a few moments for the takes …

Zézette character really exists

Zézette, played by Marie-Anne Chazel, is certainly THE cult character in this film. And when she came to the microphone of Europe 1, the actress then confided that this character was in fact inspired by a real person, and more precisely by a lady from the neighborhood ” with a way of speaking and an improbable speech. “And, to accentuate the ridiculous side,” To give it a ‘popu, banter and even a slight moron’ side“, Marie-Anne Chazel had the idea of ​​the famous very visible dentures …

There you are, now you are aware of some little filming secrets. And above all, Merry Christmas!

See also: Gérard Jugnot and Anne-Sophie Lapix take a Flamenco lesson


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