the last chance trial for Maurice the boar

This is perhaps the epilogue of a long legal procedure which is being played out this Tuesday before the court in Tulle, around Mauritius, a wild boar collected eight years ago by a resident of the Garden, near Egletons. Very quickly, Sylvia Bachellerie became attached to this wild boar which she cared for and which has grown well since. Problem: it is forbidden in France to keep a wild animal, unless you have an approval that justice has refused him so far. This Tuesday’s hearing will be decisive for the future of Mauritius.

Approval, placement in a shelter or euthanasia?

Sylvia Bachellerie’s biggest fear is that the court could order Maurice’s euthanasia. The intermediate solution would be placement in an animal shelter, but all the steps in this direction have been in vain. Information taken from specialists, the young woman assures in any case that the boar could no longer live in the wild, or even in a refuge with other congeners.

It must be said that over the past eight years, Maurice has become accustomed to an almost domestic life. He was very young when Sylvia Bachellerie found him, injured, near her home. Since then he has been living in a converted enclosure and behaves almost like a dog, running as soon as his mistress arrives at the fence. She specifies that he has never been aggressive and says that she does not understand this relentlessness of justice, because she has already appeared several times to try to save her animal.

A whole community behind Maurice the boar

Since the beginning of this case, many supporters have come to the young woman. A petition called Mauritius must be saved
was even launched in 2020. It has collected nearly 220,000 signatures to date. Maurice fans can also follow his adventures on the Facebook page Save Mauritius
, which is dedicated to him. She has more than 9,200 subscribers.

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