The last 100% Racing of the season with Rudy Carlier and Luc Dreosto

With the one who has never missed an appointment. The quality of analysis of each pre-match and each post-match is thanks to him.
He who dissected hundreds of minutes of play and reviewed all the teams that Racing has met this year, our favorite ex-Racing pro, Rudy Carlier.
As for him, with his vocal impulses and his rises in the treble when an opportunity in Strasbourg arises, he made us live live, each match by crossing France long, wide and across for our great happiness, our star to us, Luc Dreosto

And this show would be nothing without you listening to us. Your loyalty and like our two guests tonight. Two listeners who have never missed an opportunity to share their passion on the air and who give us the pleasure of coming to the studio for this last show, Émilie and Kamel.
Also with our young consultant Rayan, everyone will play the game of looking back on this exceptional season, all in a good mood.

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